EC Motor Retrofit



Transform fan coil units into sustainable, state of the art energy savers.

AirRevive Refurbishment + EC Motor Retrofit =  A Re-commissioned Fan Coil Unit.


An AirRevive re-commissioned unit is a sustainable, energy efficient alternative to replacement units. AirRevive re-commissioned fan coil units work “better than new”.


The re-commissioned unit combines the benefits of an AirRevive refurbished unit with the benefits of an EC motor retrofit.

The EC motor retrofit on an AirRevive refurbished unit is the proven best practice for re-commissioning fan coil units.

EC Motor Benefits: Save energy and enhance guest comfort

The benefits of EC motors in hotel guest rooms include:

  • Maximizing fan coil unit energy efficiency
  • Bringing airflow back to manufacturer’s specifications
  • Lower operating costs
  • Lower fan motor noise
  • Drastically reduced humidity
  • Improved indoor air quality and;
  • Faster guest room cooling and heating.


The highest efficiencies are attained by optimizing the coil prior to retrofitting the EC motor. This is because of the following benefits:

  • Airflow is optimized; and
  • coil temperature is lowered.


Click to view a case study comparing an EC motor retrofit into an impacted coil vs. a rejuvenated coil by AirRevive refurbishment.

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EC Motor Retrofit Reduces Guestroom Fan Coil Energy Usage up to 80%

Energy reduction reflects the savings per motor (guest room) annually.

Annual savings calculation is based on 8000 operating hours and price per kWh.

Electronic Commutation Motor:  PSC Motor Upgrade to EC Motor

EC motors have electronic commutation systems rather than mechanical commutators and brushes.


EC motors provide higher efficiency, have less susceptibility to mechanical wear, generate less noise, generate less heat, and have full variable speed.


EC Motors are highly efficient at full and part load with  ECM vs PSC Motors case studies showing efficiency up to 80%.

EC Motor Retrofit and Fan Coil Re-commissioning

AirRevive combines its custom fan coil refurbishment process with EC motor (ECM) installations to re-commission hotel guest room fan coil units.


Utilizing EC motors, the airflow is programmed specifically to the fan coil unit’s manufacturer’s specifications. The result is a re-commissioned unit.


AirRevive’s EC motor retrofit service extends the life of the fan coil unit and brings its operating performance to maximum operating efficiency.


A re-commissioned unit with proper airflow and lower coil temperature uses less energy and enhances heat transfer.  The hotel guest room is noticeably more comfortable.


Fan coil refurbishment and EC motor upgrades are available for all past and present fan coil unit models up to thirty-five years old.


Click to view a case study on a 1984 building with 84% of the units under manufacturer’s specifications for airflow and 33% with no airflow on low setting.


EC Motor Retrofit Best Practices

EC motors torque and RPMs are programmed to a controller.  Once programmed the controller maintains constant functioning.


Changing the motors only without AirRevive refurbishment is not the best practice to re-commission the fan coil units because the coil is not rejuvenated and performing to its maximum efficiency.


It is important to note that if the coils are not brought back to uniform performance before installing EC motors then the EC motor program will not be optimized.  It is the best practice to have all the buildings fan coil units clean, working uniformly and optimized before programming an EC motor. If not, the roll out across the building will not be consistent. There will be dirty coils and clean coils in the building that will produce different torque on the EC motor program.


AirRevive conducted a case study comparing a fan coil unit’s performance when an EC motor was retrofit into a unit with an impacted coil vs. an AirRevive rejuvenated coil. Findings included reduced watts reduced by 38% and the motor’s RPM lowered by 33% when the motor was retrofit into a unit with a rejuvenated coil.

Click to view the AirRevive best practices case study.


The EC motors are torque sensitive.  The EC motor on the dirty coil requires a higher RPM to get the motor to perform according to its program, i.e. 1580 RPMs in the case study. The motor worked harder to overcome the dirty coil. To maintain constant RPM, the EC motor senses the resistance and automatically increases torque. The EC motor adjusts torque to maintain constant velocity.  This increases power consumption.


AirRevive’s refurbishment process results in coil and supply temperature reduction and optimized airflow. After refurbishment the EC motor is programmed to the coil working at maximum operating efficiency:

  • Airflow is optimized; and
  • coil temperature is lowered.

EC Motor Upgrade Rebates and Incentives


In addition to lowering energy bills,  there are a variety of rebates and incentive programs offered for  EC motor upgrades.

Click to view rebate and incentive details. 


AirRevive assists customers in rebate administration.


AirRevive’s EC motor retrofit service is available in hotels across the United States, Hawaii, Canada, and the Caribbean. Contact us today for a free mock up.

EC Motors and Building Sustainability

Fan coils are often overlooked during building sustainability projects because of their fractional horsepower and low power consumption.


Upgrading PSC motors to EC motors, however, allows cost effective energy savings satisfying green building initiatives. AirRevive’s EC motor retrofit projects typically result in reducing guest room fan coil energy usage by up to 80%.


Click here for more information on energy efficient incentives and rebates by state.

  • Guest Satisfaction, Cost Saving Benefits

    • Significantly less noise 
    • Decrease in humidity
    • Accurate temperature set, gets cooler, faster
    • Reduce energy consumption up to 80%
    • Add 10-15 years of service to your existing fan coil unit
    • Rebates and incentives
    • Full variable speed
    • Less susceptibility to mechanical wear
    • Higher efficiency
    • Global, we go where you are

AirRevive’s turn-key solution is the best practice to retrofit EC Motors. Our service extends the life of the asset, realizes enormous energy savings, reduces noise levels and produces comfortable non-humid air, all of which improve guest comfort and satisfaction. Justin Del Sesto, President